Published Thursday, June 08, 2006 by Mathieu.
What is risk?
Risk Areas in Software Development
Risk Analysis
Portfolio Risk Management
Techniques for managing risks.
Why do systems fail?
Types of failure
Reverse engineer the exam!!
What do I want people to know after the exam? What hasn't been covered in the projects and assignments?
For each lecture, what is the important idea? There might be three or four.
Reliability metrics
An affordance is something that shows you how it is meant to be used via something about the way it looks.
Being aware of the mental models in the system.
Published Tuesday, June 06, 2006 by Mathieu.
Programming is easy, design is hard.
Why don't you visit my bog?
Do you read my bog?
Also, start using design concepts of the software engineering course to design Words (for the second semester project) and document it in a useable way too.
This way, at the end of the study, I'll also have a deliverable ready for next semester!
So by the looks of things, I'm not really going to have much time to work on those extra little projects such as the noodletimer and the nook uploader, because, well, I have bigger fish to fry, and better ones! Sure, I can learn something from doing them, and I have, but one of those lessons has been to prioritise my tasks.